Sunday, 24 March 2013

My M&M's Midnight Marathon Failure

After a long hard day out on the site, two manual labourers (Kev and Pete) are in a rough pub having a beer when a well-dressed man enters, orders a drink and sits on a stool at the bar. The two builders start to speculate about the occupation of the man in the suit.

Kev: - I reckon he's an accountant.
Pete: - No way - he's a stockbroker.
Kev: - He ain't no stockbroker! A stockbroker wouldn't come in here!
The argument repeats itself for some time – dentist, no! – lawyer, no! – until the volume of beer gets the better of Kev and he makes for the toilet. On entering the toilet he sees that the man in the suit is standing at a urinal. Curiosity (and the many beers) get the better of the builder.
Kev: - 'Scuse me.. no offence meant, but me’n’mar mate were wondering what you do for a living Guv?
Man in Suit: - No offence taken! I'm a Doctor by profession.
Kev: - Oh! What kind of Doctor?
Man in Suit: Logic. I’m a Doctor of Logic.
Kev: - Oh! What's that then?
Man in Suit: - I'll try to explain by example... Do you have a goldfish at home?
Kev: - Er... mmm . well yeah, I do as it happens!
Man in Suit: - Well, it's logical to follow that you keep it in a bowl or in a
pond. Which is it?
Kev: - It's in a pond!
Man in Suit: - Well then it's reasonable to suppose that you have a large garden then?
Kev: - As it happens, yes I have got a big garden!
Man in Suit: - Well then it's logical to assume that in this town if you have a large garden then you have a large house?
Kev: - As it happens I've got a five-bedroom house...built it myself!
Man in Suit: - Well given that you've built a five-bedroom house it is logical to assume that you haven't built it just for yourself and that you are quite probably married?
Kev: - Yes I am married, I live with my wife and three children.
Man in Suit: - Well then it is logical to assume that you are sexually active with your wife on a regular basis?
Kev: - Yeah! Four nights a week!
Man in Suit: - Well then it is logical to suggest that you do not masturbate very often?
Kev: - Me? Never.
Man in Suit: - Well there you are! That's logic!
Kev: - How's that then?
Man in Suit: - Well from finding out that you had a goldfish, I've told you about your sex life!
Kev: - I see! That's pretty impressive...thanks a lot mate – you’re a genius! Both leave the toilet and Kev returns to his mate.
Pete: - I see the suit was in there. Did you ask him what he does?
Kev: - Yeah! He's a Doctor.
Pete: - A Doctor of what?
Kev: - Logic. He's a Doctor of Logic.
Pete: - What's that then?
Kev: - I'll try and explain. Do you have a goldfish?
Pete: - Nope.
Kev: - Well then… YOU MUST BE A WANKER!

- - - - - - -

My Dad, usually after a few beers, used to tell this joke and at the end he would do his own famous hearty laugh. The joke is not really that funny, but the way he would laugh would just make you belly laugh anyway!

My approach to this 100 mile challenge has been based on Whitehouse logic......

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I've got the opposite. I'm watching the StaMilano on TV this morning feeling very bitter. I'm sorry.

I don't know where this leaves my quest to run 100 miles.

It's all a bit heavy on me and I have a longing for my normal life back - to just go and see friends and have dinner and eat a steak or have a pint of guinness. I'm looking forward to this quest being over, to consigning this blog to the history books. It's crazy writing out your exploits like this for a fixed period of time, for the world to see, telling a story when you yourself don't even know how it will end.

I have decided to take 7 days off. No running. No blogging. Just rest physically and mentally before deciding what to do next.

I'm sorry I failed on my midnight marathon.


Saturday, 23 March 2013

Simon Saves Simon - Part 1


This book saved my life:


Well, let’s be clear, this book made a massive contribution to saving my life. I began to feel blank and numb in January 2007. My father passed in August 2006. I had been strong, trying to be the man of the family for several months. Trying desperately never to show any pain or hurt, you know, in that goddamn Neanderthal way which feels so much like the right thing to do at the time. But after spending the first Christmas without my Dad back home in Stoke, December 2006, then returning to cold dark London to go back to work, January 2007, my whole world just collapsed.

My bro and me at Christmas time

Christmas was everything in our family. I loved it and I still love it to this day. My brother and I were so lucky – we would get everything on Christmas Day and our parents spoilt us rotten for that one day. So, this realisation that my Dad was gone at Christmas time hit me hard.......

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p.p.p.s. – below is the article I read which prompted me to buy Matthew Johnstone’s book...



Drawing away the demons: dealing with depression

By CLAIRE COLEMAN, 29 May 2007

One person in 12 suffers from depression at some point in their lives, according to official estimates, but some believe the figure is as high as one in eight.

Winston Churchill famously characterised his depression as an ever-present black dog, an image that has become a potent metaphor for the condition.

Here, former advertising director Matthew Johnstone, who now works as a cartoonist and has suffered from depression for nearly 20 years, uses the image to illustrate his own feelings. His cartoons will resonate with fellow sufferers and their families.

Activities that usually brought pleasure suddenly ceased to

New Zealand-born Johnstone, 42, has suffered from depression since his 20s. He began to experience insomnia and lethargy while working at the Sydney office of the Saatchi & Saatchi advertising agency.

He was not depressed all the time; instead it came in waves. 'While the waves were quite small, I could muster the energy to struggle on through,' he remembers. 'But the waves got bigger, and because I hadn't taken care of myself, by my mid-30s they were like a tsunami.'

Black Dog liked to ruin my appetite

After taking time out to go travelling, Johnstone found himself in San Francisco, and it was there that he sought help. He was diagnosed with dysthymia, a form of severe chronic depression.

Although the diagnosis led to treatment in the form of anti-depressants and therapy, it wasn't until the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, that Johnstone confronted his illness.

'I had been drifting along, not facing up to who I really was ? and that was my wake-up call,' he explains. He was living in New York at the time of the terrorist attacks, and was only a block away from the World Trade Centre when the first tower collapsed.

He liked to wake me up with very repetitive, negative thoughts

Like many who survived, that day was to prove a turning point for him. Seeing people jumping or falling from the burning building made him put his life into perspective.

Although he was incredibly successful, financially stable and appeared to have it all, he just wasn't happy with the life he was leading.

One Saturday, six months later, he went to his office 'and in the space of an afternoon I wrote the book. It was the easiest thing I have ever done. It fell out of me like a boulder. It was like putting my lifetime's experience onto the page'.

He says of the collection of illustrations that form an insight into what it is like to live with depression: 'I am not a psychologist, a psychiatrist nor a specialist in the field. I have merely had the unfortunate experience of suffering this terrible condition, which I unaffectionately call Black Dog.

Black Dog may always be part of my life. But I've learnt with patience, humour and discipline, even the worst Black Dog can be made to heel

'I chose the Black Dog as the visual ambassador for this disease. He is an omnipresent, foul-weather fiend who permeates absolutely everything, like a drop of ink in a glass of water.

'Depression is complex, but what I think I have achieved is a way of communicating some of the feelings in simple terms.'

Taken from ‘I Had a Black Dog’, written and illustrated by Matthew Johnstone


Friday, 22 March 2013




You know I had problems with my calf muscles - even back in December and January. And you know that my achilles has been aching and giving me pain during the last 1-2 weeks. I did a 20km run last Friday, and another 20km run last Sunday. All the time that nagging pain was there in my achilles heel on my right foot/leg. I did a soft 5km jog together with 600 walking lunges on Tuesday night. But Since Sunday my achilles has got gradually worse and is causing me pain.
Disaster has struck.
I can't run.

Everyone I have told about my achilles problem (who know's about running long distances) tells me it's a disaster and it is better to call the whole thing off immediately. Basically, the long distances I've covered in the short space of time are having a negative effect on my body. No matter how much Victoria lovingly helps and supports me during this process the cold fact is I'm just not in the damn physical condition to tackle an insane distance like 100 miles. I'm not even in a condition to tackle a goddamn marathon if the truth be known. April 27th is like 5 weeks away. To lose 2-3 weeks recovering/resting from achilles pain now would mean I basically have no more time to train before attempting 100 miles non-stop.
It's basically a million-to-one hope.

I have taken a day off work today just to rest, put ice on it, and DO NOTHING. JUST NOT MOVE. I'm trying desperately to search for a doctor in Milan, but it's not easy. This is when living in a different country and not speaking the language make you feel very lonely indeed......

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Wednesday, 20 March 2013

How to Run 100 Miles

I discovered this website which explains quite well the challenge facing me on Saturday/Sunday 27th/28th April...
Some of the things it says I am doing. Some I am not.
It really shows what a goddamn amateur I am...
I am scared...
My achilles heel on my right leg is really hurting me...

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Anyways, here is that damn website and what it says...

How to run 100 miles

It is important to have a well thought out training plan that is followed passionately. My experiences have shown me that 45-50 miles per week including a long run of no less than 20 miles in that week is sufficient conditioning. Obviously the more training miles the stronger you will be during the run and the quicker recovery will come afterwards. In my opinion anything over 50 miles per week are garbage miles which are good but also can put you at risk to injury. There is a fine line between training and over-training. That line is different for each of us so each individual must try to identify that line. How close to that line a person trains will ultimately determine how strong that he or she will be on race day. I also believe that exercises that strengthen all the muscles in the body are very important. Doing these will not only make you perform better but they will also help prevent injury. Exercises such as push-ups strengthen the arms, which will prevent fatigue during a race or training run. Sit-ups will strengthen the abdominal muscles to help prevent injuries such as sports hernias. There are several easy leg exercises that can be done to strengthen the abductors, adductors, and quads. These can help prevent tears and strains and also relieve stress from the knees. Performing these exercises 3-5 times a week will significantly improve your performance and make you less susceptible to injury. Finally listen to your body and take time off when needed. Physical conditioning will not disappear overnight. I also recommend taking 1-2 days off completely from running during the week no matter how you feel.

I can only assume that prior to making an attempt at 100 miles most are experienced runners at shorter distances and have had some success at it. I would recommend maintaining whatever form you have established over the years. Any changes at this point could put you at risk for some type of injury. There are however some things that you can do to help with your concerns over deficiencies in certain elements of running . Have confidence in yourself and don't get intimidated by others that are seemingly blazing by you on downhills or ups. Don't force yourself to do something that you may not have the capability of doing. Work within your limits and be satisfied with whatever results. I can assure you that you will make up for any lost time later on when you reach a different section of the course. Just as we have our weaknesses we are also strong in some aspect of running whether its downhills, uphills, flats or just plain consistency. Be patient and wait for your moment and take advantage of it. Personally I'm not a very strong downhiller but I make up for it going up. Train hard and focus on what you do best and there will be nothing that will stop you.

There are so many factors involved in successfully running 100 miles that it is easy to overlook something especially for someone who has never attempted the distance before. Those that focus entirely on physical training for an event may tend to overlook the mental side of it. If this is your first one hundred miler there are many things that you may not realize. First of all it is normal to experience pain during the course of 100 miles. Some feel it sooner than others but all feel it eventually. Some can disguise pain better than others so it can be intimidating to think you're the only one in pain. I will tell you a little story about the 1st one hundred miler that I attempted in 1999 that captures my first experiences with pain. I crawled to mile 75 in the Old Dominion 100 in Woodstock, Va. before quitting. I honestly thought I was done. Every muscle in my body ached and I was freezing to death in 70-degree weather. I quit and told the volunteer I would never attempt another one ever again. The next morning I watched as a guy crossed the finish line in 29 hours and change. His finish was over the 28-hour time limit therefore he would not even be considered an official finisher. I was amazed with the amount of determination he showed and could not understand how or why he did it. He stood there very proud of his accomplishment and alone reveled in his glory. I wanted that feeling but still was not educated enough to know it wasn't going to come through physical training alone. I will tell you that physical training is obviously an important factor in running ultra distances but at the same time I will tell you that the mental side is more important. You have to have confidence and that confidence can only come from experience. Confidence is something most first timers lack. Gaining it on his or her own is improbable if running on a course alone without the help of anyone. I went into my second oner hundred miler, Arkansas Traveler, in much better shape physically but once again almost quit this time at mile 85 because I wasn't mentally prepared for the challenge. Luckily for me I hooked up with an experienced runner who literally taught me how to persevere under the most difficult conditions. He did this by teaching me to focus my attention on moving forward rather than the pain I was experiencing. He taught me to take it mile by mile rather than looking at the entire distance that was left. He taught me to concentrate on moving forward and nothing else. You can't allow pain or distance to overwhelm you.

I am here to tell you that you can command your body to perform no matter what kind of pain you are in. It takes desire, determination, and the willingness to push yourself to your limits in order to succeed. Now there are definitely times you must make rational decisions as to whether it's smart to continue or not. If, for example, you have a broken bone or you are experiencing symptoms of the three H's (hyponatremia, hypothermia, or hypoxia) you should consider quitting. If your goal is to finish than you must make yourself overcome the aches and pains generated from running the distance and trust me you can do this. I go into a run knowing that ultimately I am going to feel awful but I also know that I will feel good again only to feel bad again and then good again and so on and so on. It's a matter of how much you want it. If you don't have the desire than the pain will be your main focus and you will give in to it and never experience those second, third and fourth lives. If finishing is what you are concentrating on than I can guarantee you that you will overcome.

In order to be successful at running 100 miles it is also important to make reasonable goals and be willing to readjust those goals as the run progresses. Placing in a race or shooting for a sub-24 are both aggressive goals and good ones to shoot for but ultimately finishing should always be priority number 1. I think a lot of people DNF (did not finish) because they realize their primary goal is unachievable and therefore feel it's not worth running in the race anymore. Readjusting your goals as you go is critical to success. The initial goal may be unachievable but if you keep making new goals you will eventually satisfy one of them even if it's finishing dead last.

Relentless forward motion is a motto to stand by. Run when you can and walk when needed but always stay moving and eventually you will cross the finish line. Be patient and take it mile to mile rather than looking at the entire distance. Use tactics such as running for 5 minutes and walking for 2 minutes. Run from tree to tree and then walk from tree to tree. Walk uphill and run down. Try your best late in the race to incorporate at least a minimal amount of running at all times. If you allow yourself to walk for a significant period of time the death march will begin. The best way to stop the death march is to breathe deeply, remove any negative thoughts, and start to shuffle your feet. A slow shuffle will loosen the muscles and eventually allow you to run freely again. How much running depends on your thought process. If you're thinking negatively your body will shut down very quickly but if you're thinking positively you'll run for a long time. Remember as you run that it doesn't matter what obstacles lay ahead whether it's uphill, downhill, or through water the bottom line is you and everyone else are going to run 100 miles.

When the sun goes down it can take your spirit with it. The darkness will suck the life right out of you if you allow it too. Your mind must take full control at this point because your body wants to sleep. Allowing your mind to overcome the body is what will help you persevere throughout the nighttime hours. It' s a matter of how much you want it at this point. Think about what it is that motivated you to attempt to run the distance in the first place. Were you teased as a child? Were you picked on by a friend or family member or do you just feel the need to prove something to yourself? Whatever it is use the energy from these situations that may normally cause anger or frustration to your advantage. Keep your mind occupied with something other than pain or distance remaining. If with someone talk as much as possible. Silence normally means you're not staying focused and you're allowing thoughts of doom and gloom to enter your mind. If you persevere until the sun rises I promise you new life will be given.

Even if you train hard physically and prepare mentally it still may not be enough to get you across that finish line. I do believe everyone is capable but before attempting to take on the distance each should take some time to look deep inside themselves. There is a passion that burns deep inside the heart and the soul and that passion has to be brought to the forefront not only during the race but also in training. It is the desire to attain what few have accomplished that will drive you to be willing to succeed above all costs. It takes heart and desire and those are things that you can not condition yourself to have. You either have them or not. You must find them because I believe each of us has them....just find them!!!!

Things to do and use during the run

Succeed sodium/potassium caplets to help reduce or eliminate cramping. Recommended dosage 2 per hour but should be adjusted based on the outside temperature.

Pre-cut and carry several pieces of self-adhesive moleskin in case blistering occurs. Stop at the first burning sensation and care for any blisters. Hot spots turn into major problems as the run progresses if not taken care of immediately.

I recommend sprinkling some Baby Powder in your shoes before the race to keep your feet free from moisture produced by sweat. This will help reduce the possibility of blisters.

If prone to blistering change your socks periodically throughout the race. Take the time to wipe your feet clean and dry. Any lost time here will not be as significant as the amount of time lost due to severe blistering. Pack clean socks in your drop bags.

Have a blister kit available along with a roll of duct tape in case severe blistering occurs. As long as you can suck it up your race isn’t necessarily over just because of blistering. Duct tape can be a lifesaver if used properly. Be knowledgeable of the proper way drain the blisters and tape the feet. Creasing in the tape will cause more harm than good.

Carry a disposable rain jacket with you. Hypothermia can and will set in late in a run when your body loses control of it's own thermostat. Wet clothes, cool temps=DNF.

Caffeine in the form of Coke and Mountain Dew are both usually supplied by the aid stations and should be taken when needed. I recommend placing Red Bull, Sobe Adrenaline, or Amp in your drop bags for later in the race. Train using these items to see what works best for you.

If you must use Ibuprofen use it sparingly. Try Arnica as a replacement anti-inflammatory.

Carry at least one water bottle the entire way. If you carry the bottle in your hand you will remember to drink every 15 minutes or so. I recommend carrying 2 bottles in any race where the aid stations are more than 5 miles apart. Personally I carry two all the time and have been known to carry 3 or 4. Dehydration will shut you down.

Be knowledgeable of the symptoms of dehydration as well as hyponatremia. Drinking too much water can actually be more dangerous than not drinking enough. Bottom line is both conditions could potentially cause you to DNF but more importantly could cause long term health problems.

Drink both water and sports drink to reduce the possibility of cramps.

Eat early and often. Learn what food appeal to you most during your long training runs and go for them during the race. Don’t gamble and eat something your stomach isn’t used to. There are solid food supplements such as Ensure and Perpeteum amongst a few others. Again don’t experiment during a race but rather learn if these settle in your stomach during your training runs.

Spend as little time in aid stations as possible.

Avoid sitting for too long.

No matter how enticing it seems never stand in front of a fire.

Do not do anything different during a race than you do during your training runs. Where the same shoes, clothes, hats, socks, etc.

Have an emergency flashlight in one of your drop bags. If possible carry spare batteries but definitely have spare batteries in your drop bags.

No matter the course or the amount of exposure put sun block on before and then again mid-day.

Lubricate sensitive areas of the body before the run and periodically through out.

There are a few ways to prevent blackened toenails including the following:
1) Good trail shoes
1) Toe guards
1) Permanent removal of the nail. (too radical for me)
The odds are that if you become an avid ultrarunner you will eventually get your share of black toenails. It’s a very painful condition but not one that will cause you to not finish.

Bring ginger along with you (not ginger from Gilligan’s Isle) to help settle your stomach if you become sick. If don’t have any ask the aid station volunteers if they have Ginger Ale. The stuff works wonders.

If possible bring something inspirational with you to the race. When I did the “Slam” in 2003 I wore a shirt with pictures of all my nieces and nephews on the front. Hard to quit when you have them watching you part of the way. Finally I always bring a picture of my grandfather to gain inspiration from the toughest man both mentally and physically that ever walked the face of the Earth.

Ultrarunning is not for the faint of heart. If you have any questions or concerns about your health then you should consider another activity.


Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Vegan Virgin: Popping My Cherry

It's now almost two full weeks since I was full vegan. No steak. No meat. No fish. No dairy. I am only eating natural food, majority of the time totally raw. Often whipped up in the kitchen by sex-on-legs Victoria. I feel great. It's a weird feeling.........

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Distance done to date:
  • 3km - Jan 12th (quick walk - because have calf muscle injury)
  • 5km - Jan 14th (quick walk) + 500 walking lunges
  • 5km - Jan 15th (quick walk)
  • 5km - Jan 16th (quick walk) + 500 walking lunges
  • 5km - Jan 17th (quick walk)
  • 5km - Jan 19th (quick walk) + 500 walking lunges
  • WEEK 1 TOTAL: 28km (17 miles)
  • 5km - Jan 22nd (quick walk)
  • 20km - Jan 24th (quick walk) + 500 walking lunges
  • WEEK 2 TOTAL: 25km (16 miles)
  • 5km - Jan 30th (quick walk)
  • 7km - Jan 31st (jogging - first jog because calf muscle is better)
  • 14km - Feb 2nd (jogging)
  • 4km - Feb 3rd (jogging)
  • WEEK 3 TOTAL: 30km (19 miles)
  • 6km - Feb 6th morning (jogging)
  • 5km - Feb 6th evening (jogging) + 500 walking lunges
  • 7km - Feb 7th morning (jogging)
  • 7km - Feb 7th evening (jogging)
  • 7km - Feb 8th (jogging)
  • 15km - Feb 9th (jogging)
  • WEEK 4 TOTAL: 47km (29 miles)
  • 12km - Feb 13th (jogging)
  • 14km - Feb 15th (jogging)
  • 5km - Feb 17th (jogging) + 500 walking lunges
  • WEEK 5 TOTAL: 31km (19 miles)
  • 20km - Feb 18th (jogging)
  • 20km - Feb 20th (jogging)
  • 40km - Feb 23rd (jogging)
  • WEEK 6 TOTAL: 80km (50 miles)
  • 8km - Feb 27th (jogging)
  • 5km - Feb 28th (jogging) + 500 walking lunges
  • 10km - March 1st (jogging)
  • 20km - March 2nd (jogging)
  • WEEK 7 TOTAL: 43km (27 miles)
  • 22km - March 4th (jogging)
  • 12km - March 6th (jogging)
  • 7km - March 8th (jogging)
  • 60km - March 10th (jogging/walking)
  • WEEK 8 TOTAL: 101km (63 miles)
  • 5km - March 12th (jogging)
  • 20km - March 15th (jogging/walking)
  • 20km - March 17th (jogging/walking)
  • 5km - March 19th (jogging)
  • WEEK 9 TOTAL: 50km (31 miles)

THANK YOU !!!!!!
Simon x

Saturday, 16 March 2013

I Want You !! - (feedback)

This week I have reached the point of no turning back. Unless I suffer some extreme injury or other emergency over the next 6 weeks it is certain that I will begin the 100 mile quest in exactly 6 weeks time: 10am on Saturday 27th April in Central Park, New York. Estimating approx 26-28 hours, non-stop, no sleep, thru the night running - if I even manage to reach those goddamn 'Rocky Steps' at all - I should finish in the early afternoon of Sunday 28th April (my brother's 40th birthday) at the Museum of Art in Philadelphia.

Next week I will book the flights and really begin the business of organising the route, support crew, etc.


A few days ago I posted my blog on facebook. It got over 1,200 page views in 24 hours which felt weird. I have something like 500 'friends' on facebook so it seems people are sharing my little tale around to other people, which I find uncomfortable and fascinating at the same time. I must remember why I am doing this. The more awareness I can raise for mental illness the more successful this whole experience will be. If I am able to achieve something really amazing - like getting a "Yo Stephen - Happy Birthday!!" in Rocky Balboa accent from Sly Stallone to my brother would be the pinnacle! Moreover, I hope to make my family proud and give them something funny to talk about back home. These things keep me going. The fact that I am punishing myself physically and emotionally in the meanwhile is elementary my dear Watson.

I have been humbled by the response to my motivations and to my story behind this blog. I wanted to share some with you to see how inspirational it is to receive feedback like this. It gives my quest more depth and meaning when hearing how some people, friends, live with mental illness in their lives (several of which I didn't even know because mental illness is still such a taboo issue). I want more feedback - please! I did 20km half marathon yesterday and these words remain in my mind, swirl around while running - it gives me extra determination not to fail.


I keep the feedback anonymous out of respect of course for the people who sent them to me (except for the email from my new mentor guru Jose Brborich who is helping me a lot and who has a lot of experience in ultra distance running).

Really, some of these things have moved me to tears when receiving and reading them.

THANK YOU for inspiring me. I will be doing my best not to let you down...

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"My lady has just shown me that small life story you wrote, well done with that, your ol'man would be so proud as I am sure your mam and bro are already. Let us know how to give donation on the run  - f*ck me 100 miles that's going to hurt - I know not many people with the strength and guts that could even do it but you're right up there, good luck mate, speak soon"
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"for your brother/my sister (would have been her bithday on St Patricks day) and for everyone whose lives have been touched by this Vile 'invader' !"
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"Mate what a "insane" lesson of generosity and humility you're giving the world. I believe in you."
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"Dearest Simon, I have just started reading some of your incredible, emotional and inspiring blog. Honestly Simon, you really are an amazing man. I am so sorry for the sadness and crippling low points you have had in your life when your dad died. It takes such strength to pick yourself up after a huge loss and to battle the depression you suffered. And slowly but surely you have managed to get back on your feet. I don't underestimate how difficult this must have been and how many dark days you have to overcome to get here. But you have always been a fighter, achieving so many things in your life. Where some people sit and talk about doing something, you have got up and done it!......... "
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"OMG your blog is amazing! just been reading for the last half an hour and still more to read. keep writing. love it! What an incredible thing to do! huge respect! and can't believe your commitment with victoria. Looked already into ultra's and finished reading ding eat and run by scott jurek. Good luck and will think of you every run I am doing. Keep going! you can do it! even you might think you don't have enough training. just invest in a camelbak so your arms are free and your shoulders not carrying all that weight of the water bottles. try a mid foot strike at 90bpm/foot which is smaller steps but faster which prevents injuries(helped me with my bad knee in the beginning) lean slight forward and let gravity pull you. keep arms at 90degrees and pull backwards small tips which made my running more energy efficient So proud! Amazing Simon. hope to run with you one day. XX"
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"I read your blog. It has always intrigued me the dynamic you, your brother and your father had. As not normal it is to most people, it is a confirmation of what I believe human nature is. I always loved your unrecognized logic in life. Miss you very much. You are one of the few in life that I miss, and cherish. You not being a scouser of course help that as well"
(from a Manchester United fan!)
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"Simon, just read your blog, it's amazing, your story is amazing! I can't even imagine attempting to run so far. But I'm sure you will. And you write so well! Not sure how you are going to organise your support crew, but let me know if there is anything at all I can do to help. Big or small. Good luck with the rest of the training!"

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"Hi Smon, XXXXX forwarded me your blogspot.... I really don't know what to say but WOW AMAZING INSPIRING .... But also CRAZY!!! I have even more respect for u now than I already had. U are a great man, don't change and keep doing what u are doing!!"

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"Good morning Sie, congratulations with your achievement to run 60km! To complete a marathon is already a great achievement. 60km is half more extra! Besides training your body work as well on the mental aspect.. You need to be focused and mentally strong to overcome the challenges you will encounter on April 27th. The blog is well written and tells a lot about life, what can be achieved with hard work, determination and put your heart in everything you do. You should consider to publish a book after your 100 mile challenge!! Keep going!!!"

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"Just wanted to message to say I have just read your blog in its entirety and think it is a wonderful thing to do, the blog is great and will follow your journey and of course sponsor you . Mental health is a big issue for myself too. My uncle took his own life last year and many members of my family suffer from depression and manic episodes"
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"Hello stranger! It has been a while...too long actually! I just came across your FB post about the blog & 100 mile run! Wanted to let you know how much I admire what you're doing. I must also say, you're nuts and it's crazy! But also wishing you all the best in completing this incredible journey!"

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"we read the blog, we shed a tear dude, great writing, hope you're OK. Simon, love you man, you are an inspiration to us. Keep it real"
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"hey simon, i was at your blog and just wanted to say hello...couldnt help my tears going down on my cheeks...made me think a lot..cannot even describe what i felt but its deep, the deepest of the colour blue.  i dunno the others but, i found similarities with me in what you wrote - specially the ' sie, are you crazy?' post... i think we live in an era, where, people keep things to themselves and do not share....worse, they do not even share with themselves! somehow we are torn apart with our own soul..the reason why i was so touched might be because today,while i was packing, i found many notebooks where i used to write my feelings, my aims, my writing, plus sharing, is really important to remember or realize things...that might be the reason why many people are moved, because, you made us look into our ownselves. but anyway its late so all i wanna say is, it was nice to read, and i thank you for that"

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"Your blog was my 6am read this morning and I LOVED IT!! - Keep going!!"
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"Hi Simon. You don't know me. I'm a friend of XXXXX. He forwarded me your blog last night and I looked at it this morning. I couldn't stop reading it, and I actually cried. I was late for work! I hope to meet you one day."

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"Wow!!!!!!!! - I have 3 friends that run the Leadville 100 mile event every year , so i know all about training for 100 mile races and the pain it takes. This is incredible simon. I support you every step of the way and if there is anything i can do please let me know. What an amazing thing you are doing. Remember to tell me what you will need. I will come support u."
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"Beautiful Simon! Truly inspiring! Good luck with the big run! ..Stay close to Victoria and you'll be just fine!"
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"Run Forrest Run"
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"this is totally great! please go online and inspire the others out there. you already did inspire me! i also wish one day to be able to run with you .. so far, i can only do it for 5 mins on the treadmill!"
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"Well done on your running Simon! You're doing amazing x I've read your blog a few times now, keep up the good work & positive vibes!!  Mental illness is shit and often happens to the people that really do give a shit about others and care a lot about people and letting people down. I've been there twice and it's been the most frightening and lonely places ever. Running has pulled me through many of times. Hope has also pulled me through and to never ever give up because things DO get better and everyone can be happy if you just believe it! Gosh, sounds like a song! I'm sure your mum & brother are really proud of you!"

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"nice simon!! I've especially liked the walking like Robocop's baby thing;-)"
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"You are a better brother than I could ever be"

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"Awesome champy!!!! I am really proud of you.. And you are not making an ass of yourself ok. Everyone has to start somewhere I hope I can come run with you too one day (pretty please)."
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"You are unbelievable!! I'm still crying after reading your blog. You should write a book"

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"Hi Simon. I just read your blog and I think you are great to do it, and I am proud to have had the chance to have met you!"
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"MASSIVE..... Outstanding mate - that is an oustanding challenge - loving those before and after photos!!!"
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"Just read through your blog. You’re not crazy, Sie, just very very passionate and possibly a little on the extreme side! I hope my kids feel that way about each other and me. It’s what it is all about. That’s the meaning of life for me."
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"Forrest Whitehouse"
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"very very great. A moving account of motivation and will and spirit and soul.. Great idea also... recently my brother has taken up long distance running. Not 100 miles long but like 40 miles. He was inspired by Mont Blanc race and maybe it's a good way to mind-escape too. Kind of good to see how hard it can be and I read recently that it is good to write this stuff down, sort of publically, to keep up motivation.. Rocky quotes resonate so much more now than when I was 10 years old or something!" Wise wise Rocky... Keep going Sie!!!""
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"You deserve every penny for every drop of that green gunk you devour...but wheres the raw eggs?? Go Rocky Whitehouse X"
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"I read your blog and I'm very very impressed.. When I saw your blog and your story came up to my mind the redbull website ( I saw that phrase (The only limit is the one you set yourself) and it reminded me of you."
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"Simon, it is an amazing thing what you are doing! I must confess that my life story is very similar to yours.. my sister has a mental illness and my father passed away very suddenly 12years ago and I really know what does it mean. That’s why it is even more touching for me.. I support you totally and respect you a lot for your courage and determination! Bravo Simon, run!"

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"Darling, Love the blog. I'm very proud of the fact that you're laying it all out there.. Your posts have been real, raw and 100% Simon and I love that. We are truly the most powerful when we surrender to life and to love.. And you will get there.."

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"Simon, your blog is funny and honest -- a great read!  Stallone has nothing on you... :o) "

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"Hey Simon,
Just read a few blogposts and let me tell you that I am with you on this!!! We need to talk asap!
Once Dani told me about your idea and the limited experience and time to prepare you have, I immediately told him that you were crazy and that you were going to hurt yourself. I told him that you should not do it.
Now, after I have read some of your posts, I still believe that you are crazy and that you will end up hurting yourself, but now I think YOU HAVE TO DO IT!!!
I cannot guarantee you that you will be able to arrive to Philly to climb the Rocky steps...but we can give it the best shot possible avoiding some macro-errors, and improving what is possible to improve until April.
This goal of yours is not about speed or strength, but about will and heart....but if you start that day with injuries all over, no power of will or enormous motivation will take you to the finish line. 100 miles are a lot...and a broken body will not be taken over that distance just by the power of your great determination.
One other thing: Lose weight!!! (in a proper way!) avoid alcohol and sweets...100 miles with 5-10 extra pounds on you is a tremendous drag in your energy.
Anyways, there are many things that I would like to know more about...but I think it is better if we do it in person. I might be traveling in a couple of weeks, so worst case, we do it via skype. In the meantime, we can be in touch via email and whatsapp (+39 xxxxxx).
I am currently working on my website, but it is going to take a long time before is finished. But you can check my old blog here
And these are a few videos:
Talk to you soon!
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